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A C-matrix is a symmetric (C^(T)=C) or antisymmetric (C^(T)=-C) C_n (-1,0,1)-matrix with diagonal elements 0 and others +/-1 that satisfies CC^(T)=(n-1)I, (1) where I is the ...
The term "characteristic" has many different uses in mathematics. In general, it refers to some property that inherently describes a given mathematical object, for example ...
In plane geometry, a chord is the line segment joining two points on a curve. The term is often used to describe a line segment whose ends lie on a circle. The term is also ...
A uniform distribution of points on the circumference of a circle can be obtained by picking a random real number between 0 and 2pi. Picking random points on a circle is ...
The word "class" has many specialized meanings in mathematics in which it refers to a group of objects with some common property (e.g., characteristic class or conjugacy ...
Given a number z, the cube root of z, denoted RadicalBox[z, 3] or z^(1/3) (z to the 1/3 power), is a number a such that a^3=z. The cube root is therefore an nth root with ...
An n×n-matrix A is said to be diagonalizable if it can be written on the form A=PDP^(-1), where D is a diagonal n×n matrix with the eigenvalues of A as its entries and P is a ...
The divided difference f[x_0,x_1,x_2,...,x_n], sometimes also denoted [x_0,x_1,x_2,...,x_n] (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), on n+1 points x_0, x_1, ..., x_n of a function f(x) ...
In physics, the word entropy has important physical implications as the amount of "disorder" of a system. In mathematics, a more abstract definition is used. The (Shannon) ...
An Eulerian cycle, also called an Eulerian circuit, Euler circuit, Eulerian tour, or Euler tour, is a trail which starts and ends at the same graph vertex. In other words, it ...
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