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The multiplicity of a multigraph is its maximum edge multiplicity.
A graph G is the edge graph of a polyhedron iff G is a simple planar graph which is 3-connected.
Newton's method for finding roots of a complex polynomial f entails iterating the function z-[f(z)/f^'(z)], which can be viewed as applying the Euler backward method with ...
A set of graph vertices A of a graph with graph edges V is independent if it contains no graph edges.
A node in a graph for which the graph eccentricity equals the graph diameter (Harary 1994, p. 41).
The Mathon graphs are three strongly regular graphs on 784 vertices with regular parameters as summarized in the following tables. k spectrum regular parameters 0 ...
A graph vertex in a graph is said to be an even node if its vertex degree is even.
The Euclidean algorithm, also called Euclid's algorithm, is an algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers a and b. The algorithm can also be defined for ...
In a graph G, two graph vertices are adjacent if they are joined by a graph edge.
For any two integers a and b, suppose d|ab. Then if d is relatively prime to a, then d divides b. This results appeared in Euclid's Elements, Book VII, Proposition 30. This ...
