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The triangular snake graph TS_n is the graph on n vertices with n odd defined by starting with the path graph P_(n-1) and adding edges (2i-1,2i+1) for i=1, ..., n-1. The ...
There are several definitions of "almost Hamiltonian" in use. As defined by Punnim et al. (2007), an almost Hamiltonian graph is a graph on n nodes having Hamiltonian number ...
The Tilley graph is a polyhedral graph that arises in the investigation of Kempe chainsKempe Chain (Tilley 2018). It has 12 vertices, 29 edges, and 19 faces (one of which is ...
The skeleton of a trapezohedron may be termed a trapezohedral graph. n-trapezohedral graphs are illustrated above for n=3 to 10 in circular embeddings with the two interior ...
Let G be a group, and let S subset= G be a set of group elements such that the identity element I not in S. The Cayley graph associated with (G,S) is then defined as the ...
The disdyakis dodecahedral graph is Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the disdyakis dodecahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The pentakis dodecahedral graph is Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the disdyakis triacontahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The triakis icosahedral graph is Archimedean dual graph which is the skeleton of the triakis icosahedron. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
A simple graph, also called a strict graph (Tutte 1998, p. 2), is an unweighted, undirected graph containing no graph loops or multiple edges (Gibbons 1985, p. 2; West 2000, ...
The Dyck graph is unique cubic symmetric graph on 32 nodes, illustrated above in a number of embeddings. It is denoted F_(032)A in the Foster census of cubic symmetric graphs ...
