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A module having only one element: the singleton set {*}. It is a module over any ring R with respect to the multiplication defined by a*=* (1) for every a in R, and the ...
The truncated triangular prism is an undecagon obtained by truncation of a triangular prism. It has 18 vertices, 27 edges, and 11 faces. As a canonical polyhedron with unit ...
Let P_i=x_i:y_i:z_i be trilinear points for i=1, 2, 3. The A-vertex of the unary cofactor triangle is then defined as the point y_2z_3-z_2y_3:z_2x_3-x_2z_3:x_2y_3-y_2x_3, and ...
A unique factorization domain, called UFD for short, is any integral domain in which every nonzero noninvertible element has a unique factorization, i.e., an essentially ...
An unordered pair representation is a representation of an undirected graph in which edges are specified as unordered pairs of vertex indices. The unordered pairs ...
The Weierstrass constant is defined as the value sigma(1|1,i)/2, where sigma(z|omega_1,omega_2) is the Weierstrass sigma function with half-periods omega_1 and omega_2. ...
Let one grain of wheat be placed on the first square of a chessboard, two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth, etc. How many grains total are placed on an ...
The Wolstenholme numbers are defined as the numerators of the generalized harmonic number H_(n,2) appearing in Wolstenholme's theorem. The first few are 1, 5, 49, 205, 5269, ...
The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in simple geometric ...
The braced square problem asks, given a hinged square composed of four equal rods (indicated by the red lines above), how many more hinged rods must be added in the same ...
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