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If S is an infinite set, then the collection F_S={A subset= S:S-A is finite} is a filter called the cofinite (or Fréchet) filter on S.
Two lines or plane congruent geometric figures which lie on top of each other are said to be coincident.
A space of functions comprising a complete biorthogonal system.
A subset tau in S_n of a permutation {1,...,n} is said to contain alpha in S_k if there exist 1<=i_1<...<i_k<=n such that tau=(tau_i,...,tau_k) is order isomorphic to ...
A sentence is called a contingency if its truth table contains at least one 'T' and at least one 'F.'
The problem of maximizing a linear function over a convex polyhedron, also known as operations research or optimization theory. The general problem of convex optimization is ...
A set function mu is said to possess countable subadditivity if, given any countable disjoint collection of sets {E_k}_(k=1)^n on which mu is defined, mu( union ...
If P=p:q:r and U=u:v:w are distinct trilinear points, neither lying on a sideline of the reference triangle DeltaABC, then the crosssum of P and U is the point ...
The science of breaking codes, which is one part of cryptology.
Cryptology is the science of making and breaking secure codes. It consists of cryptography, the science of making secure codes, and cryptanalysis, the science of breaking ...
