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The group of all nonsingular n×n stochastic matrices over a field F. It is denoted S(n,F). If p is prime and F is the finite field of order q=p^m, S(n,q) is written instead ...
An extension field of a field F that is not algebraic over F, i.e., an extension field that has at least one element that is transcendental over F. For example, the field of ...
The trimean is defined to be TM=1/4(H_1+2M+H_2), where H_i are the hinges and M is the statistical median. Press et al. (1992) call this Tukey's trimean. It is an L-estimate.
A witness is a number which, as a result of its number theoretic properties, guarantees either the compositeness or primality of a number n. Witnesses are most commonly used ...
On an algebraic curve, the sum of the number of coincidences at a noncuspidal point C is the sum of the orders of the infinitesimal distances from a nearby point P to the ...
A solution zeta_k=e^(2piik/d) to the cyclotomic equation x^d=1. The de Moivre numbers give the coordinates in the complex plane of the polygon vertices of a regular polygon ...
A lattice path from one point to another is p-good if it lies completely below the line y=(p-1)x. (1) Hilton and Pederson (1991) show that the number of p-good paths from (1, ...
The Chu-Vandermonde identity _2F_1(-n,b;c;1)=((c-b)_n)/((c)_n) (1) (for n in Z^+) is a special case of Gauss's hypergeometric theorem _2F_1(a,b;c;1) = ((c-b)_(-a))/((c)_(-a)) ...
_3F_2[n,-x,-y; x+n+1,y+n+1] =Gamma(x+n+1)Gamma(y+n+1)Gamma(1/2n+1)Gamma(x+y+1/2n+1) ×Gamma(n+1)Gamma(x+y+n+1)Gamma(x+1/2n+1)Gamma(y+1/2n+1), (1) where _3F_2(a,b,c;d,e;z) is a ...
The Euler polynomial E_n(x) is given by the Appell sequence with g(t)=1/2(e^t+1), (1) giving the generating function (2e^(xt))/(e^t+1)=sum_(n=0)^inftyE_n(x)(t^n)/(n!). (2) ...
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