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51 - 60 of 3541 for Beta FunctionSearch Results

A function composed of a set of equally spaced jumps of equal length, such as the ceiling function f(x)=[x], floor function f(x)=|_x_|, or nearest integer function f(x)=[x].
A function which has infinitely many derivatives at a point. If a function is not polygenic, it is monogenic.
The solutions to the Riemann P-differential equation are known as the Riemann P-series, or sometimes the Riemann P-function, given by u(z)=P{a b c; alpha beta gamma; alpha^' ...
The orthogonal polynomials defined by h_n^((alpha,beta))(x,N)=((-1)^n(N-x-n)_n(beta+x+1)_n)/(n!) ×_3F_2(-n,-x,alpha+N-x; N-x-n,-beta-x-n;1) =((-1)^n(N-n)_n(beta+1)_n)/(n!) ...
y=delta^'(x-a), where delta(x) is the delta function.
A function of more than one variable.
A function f:A->B such that B is a set of numbers.
An apodization function similar to the Bartlett function.
Bracewell's term for the rectangle function.
A function that has a natural boundary.
