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The simplicial complex formed from a family of objects by taking sets that have nonempty intersections.
An Abelian semigroup is a set whose elements are related by a binary operation (such as addition, rotation, etc.) that is closed, associative, and commutative. A mathematical ...
A quasigroup with an identity element e such that xe=x and ex=x for any x in the quasigroup. All groups are loops. In general, loops are considered to have very little in the ...
The set of all zero-systems of a group G is denoted B(G) and is called the block monoid of G since it forms a commutative monoid under the operation of zero-system addition ...
The term Bol loop refers to either of two classes of algebraic loops satisfying the so-called Bol identities. In particular, a left Bol loop is an algebraic loop L which, for ...
Let B={b_1,b_2,...} be an infinite Abelian semigroup with linear order b_1<b_2<... such that b_1 is the unit element and a<b implies ac<bc for a,b,c in B. Define a Möbius ...
A monoid that is commutative i.e., a monoid M such that for every two elements a and b in M, ab=ba. This means that commutative monoids are commutative, associative, and have ...
Special functions which arise as solutions to second order ordinary differential equations are commonly said to be "of the first kind" if they are nonsingular at the origin, ...
A algebraic loop L is a generalized Bol loop if for all elements x, y, and z of L, ((xy)z)alpha(y)=x((yz)alpha(y)) for some map alpha:L->L. As the name suggests, these are ...
In the study of non-associative algebra, there are at least two different notions of what the half-Bol identity is. Throughout, let L be an algebraic loop and let x, y, and z ...
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