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A system of congruences a_i mod n_i with 1<=i<=k is called a complete residue system (or covering system) if every integer y satisfies y=a_i (mod n) for at least one value of ...
A 1-form w is said to be exact in a region R if there is a function f that is defined and of class C^1 (i.e., is once continuously differentiable in R) and such that df=w.
A method which can be used to solve any quadratic congruence equation. This technique relies on the fact that solving x^2=b (mod p) is equivalent to finding a value y such ...
The fractal illustrated above.
A continuous real function L(x,y) defined on the tangent bundle T(M) of an n-dimensional smooth manifold M is said to be a Finsler metric if 1. L(x,y) is differentiable at ...
The flat norm on a current is defined by F(S)=int{Area T+Vol(R):S-T=partialR}, where partialR is the boundary of R.
The distance p (sometimes also denoted k) from the focus to the conic section directrix of a conic section. The following table gives the focal parameter for the different ...
The permanent of an n×n integer matrix with all entries either 0 or 1 is 0 iff the matrix contains an r×s submatrix of 0s with r+s=n+1. This result follows from the ...
A stellation is said to be fully supported if all its included cells are supported, i.e., if all its bottom faces are covered by their adjacent cells. In other words, every ...
The convex hull of two or more functions is the largest function that is concave from above and does not exceed the given functions.
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