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251 - 260 of 604 for Affine TransformationSearch Results
Any two ranges {ABC...} and {A^'B^'C^'...} which are situated on the same or different lines are said to be homographic when the cross ratio of any four points on one range ...
A similarity transformation which preserves orientation, also called a homothety.
A necessary and sufficient condition for a measure which is quasi-invariant under a transformation to be equivalent to an invariant probability measure is that the ...
Also known as the a Lorentz transformation or Procrustian stretch, a hyperbolic transformation leaves each branch of the hyperbola x^'y^'=xy invariant and transforms circles ...
In space, the only conformal mappings are inversions, similarity transformations, and congruence transformations. Or, restated, every angle-preserving transformation is a ...
A Lorentz tensor is any quantity which transforms like a tensor under the homogeneous Lorentz transformation.
A natural transformation Phi={Phi_C:F(C)->D(C)} between functors F,G:C->D of categories C and D is said to be a natural isomorphism if each of the components is an ...
A fixed point of a linear transformation for which the rescaled variables satisfy (delta-alpha)^2+4betagamma=0.
A real vector space is a vector space whose field of scalars is the field of reals. A linear transformation between real vector spaces is given by a matrix with real entries ...
A transformation characterized by an invariant line and a scale factor (one-way stretch) or two invariant lines and corresponding scale factors (two-way stretch).