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For the cardioid given parametrically as x = a(1+cost)cost (1) y = a(1+cost)sint, (2) the involute is given by x_i = 2a+3acostheta(1-costheta) (3) y_i = ...
A subgroup H of an original group G has elements h_i. Let x be a fixed element of the original group G which is not a member of H. Then the transformation xh_ix^(-1), (i=1, ...
Series expansions of the parabolic cylinder functions U(a,x) and W(a,x). The formulas can be found in Abramowitz and Stegun (1972).
A schematic mathematical illustration showing the relationships between or properties of mathematical objects.
Let s_b(n) be the sum of the base-b digits of n, and epsilon(n)=(-1)^(s_2(n)) the Thue-Morse sequence, then product_(n=0)^infty((2n+1)/(2n+2))^(epsilon(n))=1/2sqrt(2).
A generalization by Kronecker of Kummer's theory of prime ideal factors. A divisor on a full subcategory C of mod(A) is an additive mapping chi on C with values in a ...
A tensor t is said to satisfy the double contraction relation when t_(ij)^m^_t_(ij)^n=delta_(mn). (1) This equation is satisfied by t^^^0 = (2z^^z^^-x^^x^^-y^^y^^)/(sqrt(6)) ...
Given an antisymmetric second tensor rank tensor C_(ij), a dual pseudotensor C_i is defined by C_i=1/2epsilon_(ijk)C_(jk), (1) where C_i = [C_(23); C_(31); C_(12)] (2) C_(jk) ...
For real, nonnegative terms x_n and real p with 0<p<1, the expression lim_(k->infty)x_0+(x_1+(x_2+(...+(x_k)^p)^p)^p)^p converges iff (x_n)^(p^n) is bounded.
If two pairs of opposite polygon vertices of a complete quadrilateral are pairs of harmonic conjugate points, then the third pair of opposite polygon vertices is likewise a ...
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