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141 - 150 of 387 for Add/subtract fractionsSearch Results
Two quantities y and x are said to be directly proportional, proportional, or "in direct proportion" if y is given by a constant multiple of x, i.e., y=cx for c a constant. ...
Two quantities y and x are said to be inversely proportional (or "in inverse proportion") if y is given by a constant multiple of 1/x, i.e., y=c/x for c a constant. This ...
If a is (directly) proportional to b, then a/b is a constant. The relationship is written a proportional b, which implies a=cb, for some constant c known as the constant of ...
Each of the sacred unit fractions which the ancient Egyptians attributed to the six parts of the eye of the god Horus: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, and 1/64. These fractions, ...
A repeating decimal, also called a recurring decimal, is a number whose decimal representation eventually becomes periodic (i.e., the same sequence of digits repeats ...
Feynman (1997, p. 116) noticed the curious fact that the decimal expansion 1/(243)=0.004115226337448559... (1) repeats pairs of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, ... separated by the ...
Apéry's constant is defined by zeta(3)=1.2020569..., (1) (OEIS A002117) where zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta function. Apéry (1979) proved that zeta(3) is irrational, although ...
Calabi's triangle is the unique triangle other that the equilateral triangle for which the largest inscribed square can be inscribed in three different ways (Calabi 1997). ...
The constant lambda=1.303577269034296... (OEIS A014715) giving the asymptotic rate of growth Clambda^n of the number of digits in the nth term of the look and say sequence, ...
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