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31 - 40 of 2037 for Abstract Vector SpaceSearch Results
Let E be a linear space over a field K. Then the vector space tensor product tensor _(lambda=1)^(k)E is called a tensor space of degree k. More specifically, a tensor space ...
A basis vector in an n-dimensional vector space is one of any chosen set of n vectors in the space forming a vector basis, i.e., having the property that every vector in the ...
There are several meanings of "null vector" in mathematics. 1. The most common meaning of null vector is the n-dimensional vector 0 of length 0. i.e., the vector with n ...
An n-dimensional vector, i.e., a vector (x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) with n components. In dimensions n greater than or equal to two, vectors are sometimes considered synonymous with ...
An abstract simplicial complex is a collection S of finite nonempty sets such that if A is an element of S, then so is every nonempty subset of A (Munkres 1993, p. 15).
Given a subalgebra A of the algebra B(H) of bounded linear transformations from a Hilbert space H onto itself, the vector v in H is a separating vector for A if the only ...
A complex vector bundle is a vector bundle pi:E->M whose fiber bundle pi^(-1)(x) is a complex vector space. It is not necessarily a complex manifold, even if its base ...
A projective space is a space that is invariant under the group G of all general linear homogeneous transformation in the space concerned, but not under all the ...
A vector basis of a vector space V is defined as a subset v_1,...,v_n of vectors in V that are linearly independent and span V. Consequently, if (v_1,v_2,...,v_n) is a list ...
A Hermitian inner product space is a complex vector space with a Hermitian inner product.