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There are two different definitions of the polar angle. In the plane, the polar angle theta is the counterclockwise angle from the x-axis at which a point in the xy-plane ...
Every bounded operator T acting on a Hilbert space H has a decomposition T=U|T|, where |T|=(T^*T)^(1/2) and U is a partial isometry. This decomposition is called polar ...
The homeomorphic image of a so-called "complete separable" metric space. The continuous image of a Polish space is called a Souslin set.
The polynomial giving the number of colorings with m colors of a structure defined by a permutation group.
Polycairos are polyforms obtained from the Cairo tessellation, illustrated above. The numbers of polycairos with n=1, 2, ... components are 1, 2, 5, 17, 55, 206, 781, 3099, ...
One of the symmetry groups of the Platonic solids. There are three polyhedral groups: the tetrahedral group of order 12, the octahedral group of order 24, and the icosahedral ...
A point at which three or more polyhedron edges of a polyhedron meet. The concept can also be generalized to a polytope.
A root of a polynomial P(z) is a number z_i such that P(z_i)=0. The fundamental theorem of algebra states that a polynomial P(z) of degree n has n roots, some of which may be ...
The ith Pontryagin class of a vector bundle is (-1)^i times the ith Chern class of the complexification of the vector bundle. It is also in the 4ith cohomology group of the ...
Let A be a C^*-algebra, then a linear functional f on A is said to be positive if it is a positive map, that is f(a)>=0 for all a in A_+. Every positive linear functional is ...
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