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An invertible linear transformation T:V->W is a map between vector spaces V and W with an inverse map which is also a linear transformation. When T is given by matrix ...
A polynomial admitting a multiplicative inverse. In the polynomial ring R[x], where R is an integral domain, the invertible polynomials are precisely the constant polynomials ...
A ring in which the zero ideal is an irreducible ideal. Every integral domain R is irreducible since if I and J are two nonzero ideals of R, and a in I, b in J are nonzero ...
Two partially ordered sets are said to be isomorphic if their "structures" are entirely analogous. Formally, partially ordered sets P=(X,<=) and Q=(X^',<=^') are isomorphic ...
The dimension d of any irreducible representation of a group G must be a divisor of the index of each maximal normal Abelian subgroup of G. Note that while Itô's theorem was ...
A Jensen disk is a disk in the complex plane whose diameter joins complex conjugate roots of a polynomial (Trott 2004, p. 22).
The term used in propositional calculus for the NOR connective. The notation AvB is used for this connective.
A transformation of an algebraic curve which is of the same type as its inverse. A Jonquière's transformation is always factorable.
The identity (xy)x^2=x(yx^2) satisfied by elements x and y in a Jordan algebra.
A geodesic triangle with oriented boundary yields a curve which is piecewise differentiable. Furthermore, the tangent vector varies continuously at all but the three corner ...
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