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Exponential decay is the decrease in a quantity N according to the law N(t)=N_0e^(-lambdat) (1) for a parameter t and constant lambda (known as the decay constant), where e^x ...
An exponential generating function for the integer sequence a_0, a_1, ... is a function E(x) such that E(x) = sum_(k=0)^(infty)a_k(x^k)/(k!) (1) = ...
A function whose value increases more quickly than any polynomial is said to be an exponentially increasing function. The prototypical example is the function e^x, plotted ...
Exponentiation is the process of taking a quantity b (the base) to the power of another quantity e (the exponent). This operation most commonly denoted b^e. In TeX, the ...
Generally, a face is a component polygon, polyhedron, or polytope. A two-dimensional face thus has vertices and edges, and can be used to make cells. More formally, a face is ...
An (n-1)-dimensional face of an n-dimensional polytope. A procedure for generating facets is known as faceting.
The knots that make up a knot sum of a composite knot are known as factor knots (Adams 1994, p. 8).
A statement which is rigorously not true. Regular two-valued logic allows statements to be only true or false, but fuzzy logic treats "truth" as a continuum which can have a ...
Values one step outside the hinges are called inner fences, and values two steps outside the hinges are called outer fences. Tukey calls values outside the outer fences far ...
A number of the form 2^n-1 obtained by setting x=1 in a Fermat-Lucas polynomial, more commonly known as a Mersenne number.
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