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A notation invented by Dirac which is very useful in quantum mechanics. The notation defines the "ket" vector, denoted |psi>, and its conjugate transpose, called the "bra" ...
The curve d(u) in the ruled surface parameterization x(u,v)=b(u)+vd(u).
A piecewise regular function that 1. Has a finite number of finite discontinuities and 2. Has a finite number of extrema can be expanded in a Fourier series which converges ...
The Dirichlet kernel D_n^M is obtained by integrating the number theoretic character e^(i<xi,x>) over the ball |xi|<=M, D_n^M=-1/(2pir)d/(dr)D_(n-2)^M.
int_0^pi(sin[(n+1/2)x])/(2sin(1/2x))dx=1/2pi, where the integral kernel is the Dirichlet kernel.
The term in logic used to describe the operation commonly known as OR. A literal is considered a (degenerate) disjunction (Mendelson 1997, p. 30). The Wolfram Language ...
A proof based on a dissection which shows the formula for the area of a plane figure or of the volume of a solid. Dozens of different dissection proofs are known for the ...
A puzzle in which one object is to be converted to another by making a finite number of cuts and reassembling it. The cuts are often, but not always, restricted to straight ...
A multiplication * is said to be right distributive if (x+y)z=xz+yz for every x, y, and z. Similarly, it is said to be left distributive if z(x+y)=zx+zy for every x, y, and ...
A binary relation associated with an instance of the stable marriage problem. Stable marriages correspond to vertices with outdegree 0 in the divorce digraph (Skiena 1990, p. ...
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