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A relation between compact boundaryless manifolds (also called closed manifolds). Two closed manifolds are bordant iff their disjoint union is the boundary of a compact ...
Let T be a tree defined on a metric over a set of paths such that the distance between paths p and q is 1/n, where n is the number of nodes shared by p and q. Let A be a ...
The partial differential equation (1-u_t^2)u_(xx)+2u_xu_tu_(xt)-(1+u_x^2)u_(tt)=0.
The set of points, known as boundary points, which are members of the set closure of a given set S and the set closure of its complement set. The boundary is sometimes called ...
A mathematical object (such as a set or function) is said to bounded if it possesses a bound, i.e., a value which all members of the set, functions, etc., are less than.
The number of "prime" boxes is always finite, where a set of boxes is prime if it cannot be built up from one or more given configurations of boxes.
The function Pi_(a,b)(x)=H(x-a)-H(x-b) which is equal to 1 for a<=x<=b and 0 otherwise. Here H(x) is the Heaviside step function. The special case Pi_(-1/2,1/2)(x) gives the ...
A search algorithm of a graph which explores all nodes adjacent to the current node before moving on. For cyclic graphs, care must be taken to make sure that no nodes are ...
The Bron-Kerbosch algorithm is an efficient method for finding all maximal cliques in a graph.
For every positive integer n, there exists a square in the plane with exactly n lattice points in its interior. This was extended by Schinzel and Kulikowski to all plane ...
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