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A triply periodic function is a function having three distinct periods. Jacobi (1835) proved that a single-valued univariate function cannot have more than two distinct ...
The trivial group, denoted E or <e>, sometimes also called the identity group, is the unique (up to isomorphism) group containing exactly one element e, the identity element. ...
Truncation is the removal of portions of solids falling outside a set of symmetrically placed planes. The operation implemented as Truncate[polyhedron, r] in the Wolfram ...
Let G be an undirected graph, and let i denote the cardinal number of the set of externally active edges of a spanning tree T of G, j denote the cardinal number of the set of ...
The twist of a ribbon measures how much it twists around its axis and is defined as the integral of the incremental twist around the ribbon. A formula for the twist is given ...
Let L be a language of first-order predicate logic, let I be an indexing set, and for each i in I, let A_i be a structure of the language L. Let u be an ultrafilter in the ...
A unit matrix is an integer matrix consisting of all 1s. The m×n unit matrix is often denoted J_(mn), or J_n if m=n. Square unit matrices J_n have determinant 0 for n>=2. An ...
In machine learning theory, the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension or VC-dimension of a concept class C is the cardinality of the largest set S which can be shattered by C. If ...
Although the multiplication of one vector by another is not uniquely defined (cf. scalar multiplication, which is multiplication of a vector by a scalar), several types of ...
A weak snark is a cyclically 4-edge connected cubic graph with edge chromatic number 4 and girth at least 4 (Brinkmann et al. 2013). Weak snarks therefore represent a more ...
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