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nu_((r))=sum_(x)x^((r))f(x), where x^((r))=x(x-1)...(x-r+1).
A Fermat pseudoprime to a base a, written psp(a), is a composite number n such that a^(n-1)=1 (mod n), i.e., it satisfies Fermat's little theorem. Sometimes the requirement ...
If a distribution has a single mode at mu_0, then P(|x-mu_0|>=lambdatau)<=4/(9lambda^2), where tau^2=sigma^2+(mu-mu_0)^2.
An attracting set to which orbits or trajectories converge and upon which trajectories are periodic.
An algebraic surface of degree 9. Enneper's minimal surface is an example of a nonic surface.
The ring R[x] of polynomials in a variable x.
Predictability at a time tau in the future is defined by (R(x(t),x(t+tau)))/(H(x(t))), and linear predictability by (L(x(t),x(t+tau)))/(H(x(t))), where R and L are the ...
A formula whose truth table contains only false in any interpretation is called unsatisfiable.
X is a p^'-group if p does not divide the group order of X.
Let s_k be the number of independent vertex sets of cardinality k in a graph G. The polynomial I(x)=sum_(k=0)^(alpha(G))s_kx^k, (1) where alpha(G) is the independence number, ...
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