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The division of two complex numbers can be accomplished by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator, for example, with z_1=a+bi ...
A concho-spiral, also known as a conchospiral, is a space curve with parametric equations r = mu^ua (1) theta = u (2) z = mu^uc, (3) where mu, a, and c are fixed parameters. ...
An equation of the form f(x)=b (mod m), (1) where the values of 0<=x<m for which the equation holds are sought. Such an equation may have none, one, or many solutions. There ...
A map projection with transformation equations x = rhosintheta (1) y = rho_0-rhocostheta, (2) where rho = (G-phi) (3) theta = n(lambda-lambda_0) (4) rho_0 = (G-phi_0) (5) G = ...
A measure nu of a strange attractor which allows the presence of chaos to be distinguished from random noise. It is related to the capacity dimension D and information ...
Given a curved regression, the correlation index is defined by r_c=(s_(yy^^))/(s_ys_(y^^)), (1) where s_y and s_(y^^) are the standard deviations of the data points y and the ...
Let there be N_i observations of the ith phenomenon, where i=1, ..., p and N = sumN_i (1) y^__i = 1/(N_i)sum_(alpha)y_(ialpha) (2) y^_ = 1/Nsum_(i)sum_(alpha)y_(ialpha). (3) ...
Let f*g denote the cross-correlation of functions f(t) and g(t). Then f*g = int_(-infty)^inftyf^_(tau)g(t+tau)dtau (1) = ...
The polyhedron compound consisting of the cuboctahedron and its dual, the rhombic dodecahedron, illustrated in the left figure above. The right figure shows the solid common ...
The cylindrical parts of a system of real algebraic equations and inequalities in variables {x_1,...,x_n} are the terms f_1 <= x_1<=g_1 (1) f_2(x_1) <= x_2<=g_2(x_1) (2) | ...
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