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The pedal of a curve C with respect to a point O is the locus of the foot of the perpendicular from O to the tangent to the curve. More precisely, given a curve C, the pedal ...
An octic curve is an algebraic curve of order eight. The pear curve is an example of an octic curve.
A formula for the Bell polynomial and Bell numbers. The general formula states that B_n(x)=e^(-x)sum_(k=0)^infty(k^n)/(k!)x^k, (1) where B_n(x) is a Bell polynomial (Roman ...
A general plane quartic curve is a curve of the form (1) Examples include the ampersand curve, bean curve, bicorn, bicuspid curve, bifoliate, bifolium, bitangent-rich curve, ...
The dumbbell curve is the sextic curve a^4y^2=x^4(a^2-x^2). (1) It has area A=1/4pia^2 (2) and approximate arc length s approx 5.541a. (3) For the parametrization x = at (4) ...
A set partition of a set S is a collection of disjoint subsets of S whose union is S. The number of partitions of the set {k}_(k=1)^n is called a Bell number.
A curve which intersects some straight line in an infinity of points (but for which not every point lies on this curve).
A curve which has at least multiplicity r_i-1 at each point where a given curve (having only ordinary singular points and cusps) has a multiplicity r_i is called the adjoint ...
The envelope of the lines connecting corresponding points on the Jacobian curve and Steinerian curve. The Cayleyian curve of a net of curves of order n has the same curve ...
In the plane, a closed curve is a curve with no endpoints and which completely encloses an area.
