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A self-organizing data structure which uses rotations to move any accessed key to the root. This leaves recently accessed nodes near the top of the tree, making them very ...
A strongly connected component of a simple directed graph (i.e., a digraph without loops) is a maximal subdigraph such that for every pair of distinct vertices u, v in the ...
Given a circular table of diameter 9 feet, which is the minimal number of planks (each 1 foot wide and length greater than 9 feet) needed in order to completely cover the ...
tau(n) is prime for n=63001, 458329, 942841, 966289, 1510441, ... (OEIS A135430). These values are also known as Lehmer-Ramanujan numbers or LR numbers since the first of ...
A Thue equation is a Diophantine equation of the form A_nx^n+A_(n-1)x^(n-1)y+A_(n-2)x^(n-2)y^2+...+A_0y^n=M in terms of an irreducible polynomial of degree n>=3 having ...
Let F_n be the nth Fibonacci number, and let (p|5) be a Legendre symbol so that e_p=(p/5)={1 for p=1,4 (mod 5); -1 for p=2,3 (mod 5). (1) A prime p is called a Wall-Sun-Sun ...
The quotient W(p)=((p-1)!+1)/p which must be congruent to 0 (mod p) for p to be a Wilson prime. The quotient is an integer only when p=1 (in which case W(1)=2) or p is a ...
A prize of 100000 German marks offered for the first valid proof of Fermat's last theorem (Ball and Coxeter 1987, p. 72; Barner 1997; Hoffman 1998, pp. 193-194 and 199). The ...
A Hamiltonian graph, also called a Hamilton graph, is a graph possessing a Hamiltonian cycle. A graph that is not Hamiltonian is said to be nonhamiltonian. A Hamiltonian ...
The happy end problem, also called the "happy ending problem," is the problem of determining for n>=3 the smallest number of points g(n) in general position in the plane ...
