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A search algorithm of a graph which explores all nodes adjacent to the current node before moving on. For cyclic graphs, care must be taken to make sure that no nodes are ...
Differential evolution is a stochastic parallel direct search evolution strategy optimization method that is fairly fast and reasonably robust. Differential evolution is ...
A differential evolution method used to minimize functions of real variables. Evolution strategies are significantly faster at numerical optimization than traditional genetic ...
Given a permutation {p_1,p_2,...,p_n} of {1,...,n}, the bumping algorithm constructs a standard Young tableau by inserting the p_i one by one into an already constructed ...
A brute-force method of finding a divisor of an integer n by simply plugging in one or a set of integers and seeing if they divide n. Repeated application of trial division ...
A direct search method of optimization that works moderately well for stochastic problems. It is based on evaluating a function at the vertices of a simplex, then iteratively ...
The P versus NP problem is the determination of whether all NP-problems are actually P-problems. If P and NP are not equivalent, then the solution of NP-problems requires (in ...
A Thâbit ibn Kurrah prime, sometimes called a 321-prime, is a Thâbit ibn Kurrah number (i.e., a number of the form 3·2^n-1 for nonnegative integer n) that is prime. The ...
A genetic algorithm is a class of adaptive stochastic optimization algorithms involving search and optimization. Genetic algorithms were first used by Holland (1975). The ...
Primorial primes are primes of the form p_n#+/-1, where p_n# is the primorial of p_n. A coordinated search for such primes is being conducted on PrimeGrid. p_n#-1 is prime ...
