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An estimate is an educated guess for an unknown quantity or outcome based on known information. The making of estimates is an important part of statistics, since care is ...
A robust estimation based on linear combinations of order statistics. Examples include the statistical median and the trimean.
A robust estimation based on maximum likelihood arguments.
A robust estimation based on a rank test.
An estimation technique which is insensitive to small departures from the idealized assumptions which have been used to optimize the algorithm. Classes of such techniques ...
An estimator is a rule that tells how to calculate an estimate based on the measurements contained in a sample. For example, the sample mean x^_ is an estimator for the ...
The trimean is defined to be TM=1/4(H_1+2M+H_2), where H_i are the hinges and M is the statistical median. Press et al. (1992) call this Tukey's trimean. It is an L-estimate.
The ratio C of the largest to smallest singular value in the singular value decomposition of a matrix. The base-b logarithm of C is an estimate of how many base-b digits are ...
Define the correlation integral as C(epsilon)=lim_(N->infty)1/(N^2)sum_(i,j=1; i!=j)^inftyH(epsilon-|x_i-x_j|), (1) where H is the Heaviside step function. When the below ...
An algorithm for finding roots which retains that prior estimate for which the function value has opposite sign from the function value at the current best estimate of the ...
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