MathWorld Headline News
MathWorld Nominated for a 2002 Webby Award in Science
By Eric W. Weisstein
May 8, 2002--The International Academy of Digital Arts and
Sciences has nominated Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics
("MathWorld") for an award in the Science category as a part of
the Sixth Annual Webby Awards. This honor identifies MathWorld
as one of the internet's top science sites and makes it eligible for
the internet's two most prestigious awards: (1) The Webby Award and (2)
The People's Voice Award.
Other nominees in the science category include Becoming Human, a multimedia exploration of human evolution developed by the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University; NASA Earth Observatory, a repository of new satellite imagery and scientific information about planet Earth developed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center; eFunda, an online publisher of information about engineering fundamentals and calculators; and SciTech Daily Review, a news site featuring daily science and technology coverage and analysis.
The Webby Award candidates are selected by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, a diverse group of people representing luminaries in their content category as well as experts on the internet. They include such people as film director Francis Ford Coppola, musicians David Bowie and Beck, cyberguru Esther Dyson, CEO of Real Networks Rob Glaser, Chef Julia Child, and Electronic Frontier Foundation Founder John Perry Barlow. Members also include writers and editors from publications such as The New York Times, Wired, Forbes Magazine, Details, Fast Company, Elle, Los Angeles Times, Vibe, and Wallpaper. The Webbys were founded by Good Morning America internet expert Tiffany Shlain.
The People's Voice Award winners are selected by the online public. Anyone can vote. Voting for this award takes place at the People's Voice section of the Webby website. MathWorld readers are cordially invited to lend their voices and vote for their favorite science site.
Winners will be revealed on Tuesday, June 18 at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor in San Francisco. This year's event will include a private ceremony for nominees, press and industry leaders.
On a personal note, as MathWorld's creator and author (and author of this news story), I would like to take this opportunity to thank the thousands of readers who have visited MathWorld and offered valuable suggestions and contributions over the years. My thanks go out especially to those who supported the site during its extended absence as a result of a legal attack by CRC Press that sought to permanently remove MathWorld from the internet. Thanks to your support and the support of Stephen Wolfram, Theodore Gray, sometime coauthor Todd Rowland, and all the wonderful people at Wolfram Research, I am grateful to be able to once again share, explore, and communicate the joy and wonder of mathematics to the world internet community. I am especially honored that MathWorld, back online for only a few short months, has been nominated for a Webby Award. While maintaining MathWorld is a labor of love for me, it would not be possible without the feedback and support of the community of people who have helped make it what it is today.
ReferencesEric Weisstein's World of Mathematics.
The Webby Awards Website.
The Webby Awards Science Nominees.
Webby Awards People's Voice: What Do You Think?