

Explore Neighborhood on MathWorld

The neighborhood of a point is an open set containing that point.

Neighborhood is a college-level concept that would be first encountered in a topology course covering point-set topology.


Open Set: An open set is a set for which every point in the set has a neighborhood lying in the set. An open set is the complement of a closed set and. An open interval is an example of an open set.
Topology: (1) As a branch of mathematics, topology is the mathematical study of object's properties that are preserved through deformations, twistings, and stretchings. (2) As a set, a topology is a set along with a collection of subsets that satisfy several defining properties.

Classroom Articles on Point-Set Topology

  • Closed Set
  • Subspace
  • Homeomorphism
  • Topological Space
  • Point-Set Topology

  • Classroom Articles on Topology (Up to College Level)

  • Dimension
  • Projective Plane
  • Metric
  • Projective Space
  • Metric Space
  • Torus
  • Möbius Strip