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21 - 30 of 1924 for sum over paths FeynmanSearch Results
The direct sum of modules A and B is the module A direct sum B={a direct sum b|a in A,b in B}, (1) where all algebraic operations are defined componentwise. In particular, ...
The sum rule for differentiation states d/(dx)[f(x)+g(x)]=f^'(x)+g^'(x), (1) where d/dx denotes a derivative and f^'(x) and g^'(x) are the derivatives of f(x) and g(x), ...
The connected sum M_1#M_2 of n-manifolds M_1 and M_2 is formed by deleting the interiors of n-balls B_i^n in M_i^n and attaching the resulting punctured manifolds M_i-B^._i ...
Given relatively prime integers p and q (i.e., (p,q)=1), the Dedekind sum is defined by s(p,q)=sum_(i=1)^q((i/q))(((pi)/q)), (1) where ((x))={x-|_x_|-1/2 x not in Z; 0 x in ...
Cubic lattice sums include the following: b_2(2s) = sum^'_(i,j=-infty)^infty((-1)^(i+j))/((i^2+j^2)^s) (1) b_3(2s) = ...
The graph sum of graphs G and H is the graph with adjacency matrix given by the sum of adjacency matrices of G and H. A graph sum is defined when the orders of G and H are ...
Given an amicable pair (m,n), the quantity sigma(m) = sigma(n) (1) = =s(m)+s(n) (2) = m+n (3) is called the pair sum, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the ...
A Gaussian sum is a sum of the form S(p,q)=sum_(r=0)^(q-1)e^(-piir^2p/q), (1) where p and q are relatively prime integers. The symbol phi is sometimes used instead of S. ...
Kloosterman's sum is defined by S(u,v,n)=sum_(h)exp[(2pii(uh+vh^_))/n], (1) where h runs through a complete set of residues relatively prime to n and h^_ is defined by hh^_=1 ...
The sum c_q(m)=sum_(h^*(q))e^(2piihm/q), (1) where h runs through the residues relatively prime to q, which is important in the representation of numbers by the sums of ...
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