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There are at least two maps known as the Hénon map. The first is the two-dimensional dissipative quadratic map given by the coupled equations x_(n+1) = 1-alphax_n^2+y_n (1) ...
Let R(z) be a rational function R(z)=(P(z))/(Q(z)), (1) where z in C^*, C^* is the Riemann sphere C union {infty}, and P and Q are polynomials without common divisors. The ...
The set of points in the space of system variables such that initial conditions chosen in this set dynamically evolve to a particular attractor.
The attractor of the iterated function system given by the set of "fern functions" f_1(x,y) = [0.85 0.04; -0.04 0.85][x; y]+[0.00; 1.60] (1) f_2(x,y) = [-0.15 0.28; 0.26 ...
A recurrence plot is defined as a plot of the quantity R(t,tau)=H(epsilon-||f(t)-f(tau)||), where H(x) is the Heaviside step function and ||f|| denotes a norm. A recurrence ...
The two-dimensional map x_(n+1) = [x_n+nu(1+muy_n)+epsilonnumucos(2pix_n)] (mod 1) (1) y_(n+1) = e^(-Gamma)[y_n+epsiloncos(2pix_n)], (2) where mu=(1-e^(-Gamma))/Gamma (3) ...
The system of ordinary differential equations X^. = sigma(Y-X) (1) Y^. = rX-Y-XZ (2) Z^. = XY-bZ. (3)
A basin of attraction in which every point on the common boundary of that basin and another basin is also a boundary of a third basin. In other words, no matter how closely a ...
The fast Fourier transform (FFT) is a discrete Fourier transform algorithm which reduces the number of computations needed for N points from 2N^2 to 2NlgN, where lg is the ...
The largest value of a set, function, etc. The maximum value of a set of elements A={a_i}_(i=1)^N is denoted maxA or max_(i)a_i, and is equal to the last element of a sorted ...
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