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The Krackhardt kite is the simple graph on 10 nodes and 18 edges illustrated above. It arises in social network theory. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
Algorithmic graph theory is the study of graph traversal and generation and the complexity of these operations. Topics in algorithmic graph theory include Eulerian and ...
A multiway system that generates causal networks which are all isomorphic as acyclic digraphs is said to exhibit causal invariance, and the causal network itself is also said ...
Let G=(V,E) be a (not necessarily simple) undirected edge-weighted graph with nonnegative weights. A cut C of G is any nontrivial subset of V, and the weight of the cut is ...
A branch of mathematics which encompasses many diverse areas of minimization and optimization. Optimization theory is the more modern term for operations research. ...
If k|n, then the complete k-uniform hypergraph on n vertices decomposes into 1-factors, where a 1-factor is a set of n/k pairwise disjoint k-sets. Brouwer and Schrijver ...
The (connected) caveman graph is a graph arising in social network theory formed by modifying a set of isolated k-cliques (or "caves") by removing one edge from each clique ...
Consider a broadcast scheme on a connected graph from an originator vertex v in a graph G consisting of a sequence of parallel calls starting from v. In each time step, every ...
The voter model is a simple mathematical model of opinion formation in which voters are located at the nodes of a network, each voter has an opinion (in the simplest case, 0 ...
The Fano plane is the configuration consisting of the two-dimensional finite projective plane over GF(2) ("of order two"), illustrated above. It is a block design with nu=7, ...
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