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31 - 40 of 465 for goodness of fitSearch Results
An fairly good numerical integration technique. The method is also available in the Wolfram Language using the option Method -> DoubleExponential to NIntegrate.
A curious approximation to the Feigenbaum constant delta is given by pi+tan^(-1)(e^pi)=4.669201932..., (1) where e^pi is Gelfond's constant, which is good to 6 digits to the ...
A binomial coefficient (N; k) with k>=2 is called good if its least prime factor satisfies lpf(N; k)>k (Erdős et al. 1993). This is equivalent to the requirement that GCD((N; ...
A lattice path from one point to another is p-good if it lies completely below the line y=(p-1)x. (1) Hilton and Pederson (1991) show that the number of p-good paths from (1, ...
A plot of y_i versus the estimator e_i=y^^_i-y_i. Random scatter indicates the model is probably good. A pattern indicates a problem with the model. If the spread in e_i ...
An asymptotic series is a series expansion of a function in a variable x which may converge or diverge (Erdélyi 1987, p. 1), but whose partial sums can be made an arbitrarily ...
An algorithm which can be used to find a good, but not necessarily minimal, edge or vertex coloring for a graph. However, the algorithm does minimally color complete ...
Given binomial coefficient (N; k), write N-k+i=a_ib_i, for 1<=i<=k, where b_i contains only those prime factors >k. Then the number of i for which b_i=1 (i.e., for which all ...
Based on a problem in particle physics, Dyson (1962abc) conjectured that the constant term in the Laurent series product_(1<=i!=j<=n)(1-(x_i)/(x_j))^(a_i) is the multinomial ...
Let there be n ways for a "good" selection and m ways for a "bad" selection out of a total of n+m possibilities. Take N samples and let x_i equal 1 if selection i is ...
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