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The least common multiple of two numbers a and b, variously denoted LCM(a,b) (this work; Zwillinger 1996, p. 91; Råde and Westergren 2004, p. 54), lcm(a,b) (Gellert et al. ...
A line is a straight one-dimensional figure having no thickness and extending infinitely in both directions. A line is sometimes called a straight line or, more archaically, ...
Numerical integration is the approximate computation of an integral using numerical techniques. The numerical computation of an integral is sometimes called quadrature. ...
A permutation, also called an "arrangement number" or "order," is a rearrangement of the elements of an ordered list S into a one-to-one correspondence with S itself. The ...
That portion of geometry dealing with figures in a plane, as opposed to solid geometry. Plane geometry deals with the circle, line, polygon, etc.
There are two kinds of power sums commonly considered. The first is the sum of pth powers of a set of n variables x_k, S_p(x_1,...,x_n)=sum_(k=1)^nx_k^p, (1) and the second ...
A primality test is a test to determine whether or not a given number is prime, as opposed to actually decomposing the number into its constituent prime factors (which is ...
A rigorous mathematical argument which unequivocally demonstrates the truth of a given proposition. A mathematical statement that has been proven is called a theorem. ...
The Radon transform is an integral transform whose inverse is used to reconstruct images from medical CT scans. A technique for using Radon transforms to reconstruct a map of ...
The (first) rhombic dodecahedron is the dual polyhedron of the cuboctahedron A_1 (Holden 1971, p. 55) and Wenninger dual W_(11). Its sometimes also called the rhomboidal ...
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