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Markov's theorem states that equivalent braids expressing the same link are mutually related by successive applications of two types of Markov moves. Markov's theorem is ...
A knot or link L^n in S^(n+2) is said to be fibered if there exists a fibration f:S^(n+2)-L->S^1 and if the fibration is well-behaved near L (Rolfsen 1976, p. 323). Examples ...
A coloring of plane regions, link segments, etc., is an assignment of a distinct labeling (which could be a number, letter, color, etc.) to each component. Coloring problems ...
The operation of drilling a tubular neighborhood of a knot K in S^3 and then gluing in a solid torus so that its meridian curve goes to a (p,q)-curve on the torus boundary of ...
A semi-oriented 2-variable knot polynomial defined by F_L(a,z)=a^(-w(L))<|L|>, (1) where L is an oriented link diagram, w(L) is the writhe of L, |L| is the unoriented diagram ...
The Kauffman X-polynomial, also called the normalized bracket polynomial, is a 1-variable knot polynomial denoted X (Adams 1994, p. 153), L (Kauffman 1991, p. 33), or F ...
An operation on a knot or link diagram which preserves its crossing number. Thistlethwaite used 13 different moves in generating a list of 16-crossing alternating knots ...
Let E be the largest and e the smallest power of l in the HOMFLY polynomial of an oriented link, and i be the braid index. Then the Morton-Franks-Williams inequality holds, ...
A crossing in a knot diagram for which there exists a circle in the projection plane meeting the diagram transversely at that crossing, but not meeting the diagram at any ...
Consider n strings, each oriented vertically from a lower to an upper "bar." If this is the least number of strings needed to make a closed braid representation of a link, n ...
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