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An integral of the form intf(z)dz, (1) i.e., without upper and lower limits, also called an antiderivative. The first fundamental theorem of calculus allows definite ...
Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. In traditional origami, constructions are done using a single sheet of colored paper that is often, though not always, square. ...
A Pisot number is a positive algebraic integer greater than 1 all of whose conjugate elements have absolute value less than 1. A real quadratic algebraic integer greater than ...
Unlike quadratic, cubic, and quartic polynomials, the general quintic cannot be solved algebraically in terms of a finite number of additions, subtractions, multiplications, ...
For |q|<1, the Rogers-Ramanujan identities are given by (Hardy 1999, pp. 13 and 90), sum_(n=0)^(infty)(q^(n^2))/((q)_n) = 1/(product_(n=1)^(infty)(1-q^(5n-4))(1-q^(5n-1))) ...
An arithmetic progression of primes is a set of primes of the form p_1+kd for fixed p_1 and d and consecutive k, i.e., {p_1,p_1+d,p_1+2d,...}. For example, 199, 409, 619, ...
Zeros of the Riemann zeta function zeta(s) come in two different types. So-called "trivial zeros" occur at all negative even integers s=-2, -4, -6, ..., and "nontrivial ...
If an n-sided Poncelet transverse constructed for two given conic sections is closed for one point of origin, it is closed for any position of the point of origin. ...
The Fibonacci numbers are the sequence of numbers {F_n}_(n=1)^infty defined by the linear recurrence equation F_n=F_(n-1)+F_(n-2) (1) with F_1=F_2=1. As a result of the ...
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