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The lemniscate, also called the lemniscate of Bernoulli, is a polar curve defined as the locus of points such that the the product of distances from two fixed points (-a,0) ...
A line is a straight one-dimensional figure having no thickness and extending infinitely in both directions. A line is sometimes called a straight line or, more archaically, ...
Three circles packed inside a triangle such that each is tangent to the other two and to two sides of the triangle are known as Malfatti circles. The Malfatti configuration ...
Calculus of variations can be used to find the curve from a point (x_1,y_1) to a point (x_2,y_2) which, when revolved around the x-axis, yields a surface of smallest surface ...
Given a Jacobi theta function, the nome is defined as q(k) = e^(piitau) (1) = e^(-piK^'(k)/K(k)) (2) = e^(-piK(sqrt(1-k^2))/K(k)) (3) (Borwein and Borwein 1987, pp. 41, 109 ...
The intersection H of the three altitudes AH_A, BH_B, and CH_C of a triangle is called the orthocenter. The name was invented by Besant and Ferrers in 1865 while walking on a ...
The beautiful arrangement of leaves in some plants, called phyllotaxis, obeys a number of subtle mathematical relationships. For instance, the florets in the head of a ...
The prime spiral, also known as Ulam's spiral, is a plot in which the positive integers are arranged in a spiral (left figure), with primes indicated in some way along the ...
The regular pentagon is the regular polygon with five sides, as illustrated above. A number of distance relationships between vertices of the regular pentagon can be derived ...
The Reuleaux tetrahedron, sometimes also called the spherical tetrahedron, is the three-dimensional solid common to four spheres of equal radius placed so that the center of ...
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