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A particle P is said to be undergoing uniform circular motion if its radius vector in appropriate coordinates has the form (x(t),y(t),0), where x(t) = Rcos(omegat) (1) y(t) = ...
Simple harmonic motion refers to the periodic sinusoidal oscillation of an object or quantity. Simple harmonic motion is executed by any quantity obeying the differential ...
A Euclidean motion of R^n is an affine transformation whose linear part is an orthogonal transformation.
The type of motion executed by a dynamical system containing two incommensurate frequencies.
A function of the coordinates which is constant along a trajectory in phase space. The number of degrees of freedom of a dynamical system such as the Duffing differential ...
A curve composed exclusively of circular arcs.
A real-valued stochastic process {B(t):t>=0} is a Brownian motion which starts at x in R if the following properties are satisfied: 1. B(0)=x. 2. For all times ...
The circular points at infinity, also called the isotropic points, are the pair of (complex) points on the line at infinity through which all circles pass. The circular ...
A triangle ABC formed by three circular arcs. By extending the arcs into complete circles, the points of intersection A^', B^', and C^' are obtained. This gives the three ...
A circular cone the centers of whose sections form a line perpendicular to the bases. When used without qualification, the term "cone" often refers to a right circular cone.
