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321 - 330 of 366 for Spheres, cones, and cylindersSearch Results
Consider three mutually tangent circles, and draw their inner Soddy circle. Then draw the inner Soddy circles of this circle with each pair of the original three, and ...
Draw lines P_AQ_A, P_BQ_B, and P_CQ_C through the symmedian point K and parallel to the sides of the triangle DeltaABC. The points where the parallel lines intersect the ...
A system of curvilinear coordinates variously denoted (xi,eta,phi) (Arfken 1970) or (theta,eta,psi) (Moon and Spencer 1988). Using the notation of Arfken, the bispherical ...
Let X and Y be CW-complexes, and let f:X->Y be a continuous map. Then the cellular approximation theorem states that any such f is homotopic to a cellular map. In fact, if ...
All closed surfaces, despite their seemingly diverse forms, are topologically equivalent to spheres with some number of handles or cross-caps. The traditional proof follows ...
Taking the ratio x/y of two numbers x and y, also written x÷y. Here, x is called the dividend, y is called the divisor, and x/y is called a quotient. The symbol "/" is called ...
For any Abelian group G and any natural number n, there is a unique space (up to homotopy type) such that all homotopy groups except for the nth are trivial (including the ...
Let J_A, J_B, and J_C be the vertices of the outer Soddy triangle, and also let E_A, E_B, and E_C be the pairwise contact points of the three tangent circles. Then the lines ...
A grid usually refers to two or more infinite sets of evenly-spaced parallel lines at particular angles to each other in a plane, or the intersections of such lines. The two ...
An H-space, named after Heinz Hopf, and sometimes also called a Hopf space, is a topological space together with a continuous binary operation mu:X×X->X, such that there ...
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