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A Cartesian product equipped with a "product topology" is called a product space (or product topological space, or direct product).
A locally finite space is one for which every point of a given space has a neighborhood that meets only finitely many elements of any cover.
A Fréchet space is a complete and metrizable space, sometimes also with the restriction that the space be locally convex. The topology of a Fréchet space is defined by a ...
A non-Euclidean space with constant negative Gaussian curvature.
An inner product space is a vector space together with an inner product on it. If the inner product defines a complete metric, then the inner product space is called a ...
A topological space fulfilling the T_2-axiom: i.e., any two points have disjoint neighborhoods. In the terminology of Alexandroff and Hopf (1972), a T_2-space is called a ...
The mathematical study of a nonlinear equation f(phi)=y, where f maps from a Hilbert space X to a Hilbert space Y and y in Y which abstracts the construction of optical ...
A Müntz space is a technically defined space M(Lambda)=span{x^(lambda_0),x^(lambda_1),...} which arises in the study of function approximations.
The homeomorphic image of a so-called "complete separable" metric space. The continuous image of a Polish space is called a Souslin set.
A space which is isomorphic to a Borel subset B of a Polish space equipped with its sigma-algebra of Borel sets.
