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131 - 140 of 177 for Michelson Morley experimentSearch Results
In response to a letter from Goldbach, Euler considered sums of the form s_h(m,n) = sum_(k=1)^(infty)(1+1/2+...+1/k)^m(k+1)^(-n) (1) = ...
The figure eight knot, also known as the Flemish knot and savoy knot, is the unique prime knot of four crossings 04-001. It has braid word ...
The happy end problem, also called the "happy ending problem," is the problem of determining for n>=3 the smallest number of points g(n) in general position in the plane ...
The curve produced by fixed point P on the circumference of a small circle of radius b rolling around the inside of a large circle of radius a>b. A hypocycloid is therefore a ...
Consider the plane quartic curve X defined by x^3y+y^3z+z^3x=0, where homogeneous coordinates have been used here so that z can be considered a parameter (the plot above ...
The Mertens function is the summary function M(n)=sum_(k=1)^nmu(k), (1) where mu(n) is the Möbius function (Mertens 1897; Havil 2003, p. 208). The first few values are 1, 0, ...
The natural logarithm of 2 is a transcendental quantity that arises often in decay problems, especially when half-lives are being converted to decay constants. ln2 has ...
The polylogarithm Li_n(z), also known as the Jonquière's function, is the function Li_n(z)=sum_(k=1)^infty(z^k)/(k^n) (1) defined in the complex plane over the open unit ...
The prime spiral, also known as Ulam's spiral, is a plot in which the positive integers are arranged in a spiral (left figure), with primes indicated in some way along the ...
Two integers are relatively prime if they share no common positive factors (divisors) except 1. Using the notation (m,n) to denote the greatest common divisor, two integers m ...
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