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A wavelet used in multiresolution representation to analyze the information content of images. The wavelet is defined by ...
In above figure, which constitutes a modified version of the painting Tirets by Francois Morellet, small circles seem to appear and disappear as the eye is moved over them.
While many computations admit shortcuts that allow them to be performed more rapidly, others cannot be sped up. Computations that cannot be sped up by means of any shortcut ...
The gnomon was an L-shaped movable sundial used for astronomical studies. It operated by resting on one leg so that the other pointed vertically upward. By measuring the ...
The necker cube is an illusion in which a two-dimensional drawing of an array of cubes appears to simultaneously protrude from and intrude into the page. A Necker cube ...
The lines containing the three points of the intersection of the three pairs of opposite sides of a (not necessarily regular) hexagon. There are 6! (i.e., 6 factorial) ...
3 is the only integer which is the sum of the preceding positive integers (1+2=3) and the only number which is the sum of the factorials of the preceding positive integers ...
In April 1999, Ed Pegg conjectured on sci.math that there were only finitely many zerofree cubes, to which D. Hickerson responded with a counterexample. A few days later, Lew ...
The term "Cartesian" is used to refer to anything that derives from René Descartes' conception of geometry (1637), which is based on the representation of points in the plane ...
A cubefree word contains no cubed words as subwords. The number of binary cubefree words of length n=1, 2, ... are 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 24, 36, 56, 80, 118, ... (OEIS A028445). ...
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