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Extend Hilbert's inequality by letting p,q>1 and 1/p+1/q>=1, (1) so that 0<lambda=2-1/p-1/q<=1. (2) Levin (1937) and Stečkin (1949) showed that (3) and ...
A function phi(t) satisfies the Hölder condition on two points t_1 and t_2 on an arc L when |phi(t_2)-phi(t_1)|<=A|t_2-t_1|^mu, with A and mu positive real constants. In some ...
The isoperimetric quotient of a closed curve is defined as the ratio of the curve area to the area of a circle (A=pir_A^2) with same perimeter (p=2pir_p) as the curve, Q = ...
If p_1, ..., p_n are positive numbers which sum to 1 and f is a real continuous function that is convex, then f(sum_(i=1)^np_ix_i)<=sum_(i=1)^np_if(x_i). (1) If f is concave, ...
Suppose x_1<x_2<...<x_n are given positive numbers. Let lambda_1, ..., lambda_n>=0 and sum_(j=1)^(n)lambda_j=1. Then ...
An inequality which implies the correctness of the Robertson conjecture (Milin 1964). de Branges (1985) proved this conjecture, which led to the proof of the full Bieberbach ...
A semialgebraic set is a subset of R^n which is a finite Boolean combination of sets of the form {x^_=(x_1,...,x_n):f(x^_)>0} and {x^_:g(x^_)=0}, where f and g are ...
If y has period 2pi, y^' is L^2, and int_0^(2pi)ydx=0, (1) then int_0^(2pi)y^2dx<int_0^(2pi)y^('2)dx (2) unless y=Acosx+Bsinx (3) (Hardy et al. 1988). Another inequality ...
The de Bruijn constant, also called the Copson-de Bruijn constant, is the minimal constant c=1.1064957714... (OEIS A113276) such that the inequality ...
A real polynomial P is said to be stable if all its roots lie in the left half-plane. The term "stable" is used to describe such a polynomial because, in the theory of linear ...
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