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Apéry's constant is defined by zeta(3)=1.2020569..., (1) (OEIS A002117) where zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta function. Apéry (1979) proved that zeta(3) is irrational, although ...
A prime gap of length n is a run of n-1 consecutive composite numbers between two successive primes. Therefore, the difference between two successive primes p_k and p_(k+1) ...
The prime number theorem gives an asymptotic form for the prime counting function pi(n), which counts the number of primes less than some integer n. Legendre (1808) suggested ...
A regular continued fraction is a simple continued fraction x = b_0+1/(b_1+1/(b_2+1/(b_3+...))) (1) = K_(k=1)^(infty)1/(b_k) (2) = [b_0;b_1,b_2,...], (3) where b_0 is an ...
The Riemann zeta function is an extremely important special function of mathematics and physics that arises in definite integration and is intimately related with very deep ...
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