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The Gini coefficient (or Gini ratio) G is a summary statistic of the Lorenz curve and a measure of inequality in a population. The Gini coefficient is most easily calculated ...
A tree is a mathematical structure that can be viewed as either a graph or as a data structure. The two views are equivalent, since a tree data structure contains not only a ...
A stack is a data structure which is a special kind of list in which elements may be added to or removed from the top only. These actions are called a push or a pop, ...
MANOVA ("multiple analysis of variance") is a procedure for testing the equality of mean vectors of more than two populations. The technique is analogous to ANOVA for ...
Because of rounding, the stated class limits do not correspond to the actual ranges of data falling in them. For example, if the class limits are 1.00 and 2.00, then all ...
A box-and-whisker plot (sometimes called simply a box plot) is a histogram-like method of displaying data, invented by J. Tukey. To create a box-and-whisker plot, draw a box ...
Bit rate (i.e., bits per second, abbreviated bps) is a measure of the number of data bits (digital 0s and 1s) transmitted each second in a digital communications channel. If ...
Given a sequence {a_i}_(i=1)^N, an n-moving average is a new sequence {s_i}_(i=1)^(N-n+1) defined from the a_i by taking the arithmetic mean of subsequences of n terms, ...
A scatter diagram, also called a scatterplot or a scatter plot, is a visualization of the relationship between two variables measured on the same set of individuals. Scatter ...
The bootstrap method is a computer-based method for assigning measures of accuracy to sample estimates (Efron and Tibshirani 1994). This technique allows estimation of the ...
