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A prime p is called a Wolstenholme prime if the central binomial coefficient (2p; p)=2 (mod p^4), (1) or equivalently if B_(p-3)=0 (mod p), (2) where B_n is the nth Bernoulli ...
Let three isoscelizers I_(AC)I_(AB), I_(BA)I_(BC), and I_(CA)I_(CB) be constructed on a triangle DeltaABC, one for each side. This makes all of the inner triangles similar to ...
The fraction of odd values of the partition function P(n) is roughly 50%, independent of n, whereas odd values of Q(n) occur with ever decreasing frequency as n becomes ...
Specifying two adjacent angles A and B and the side between them c uniquely (up to geometric congruence) determines a triangle with area K=(c^2)/(2(cotA+cotB)). (1) The angle ...
If bc=bd (mod a) and (b,a)=1 (i.e., a and b are relatively prime), then c=d (mod a).
There are two similar but distinct concepts related to equidecomposability: "equidecomposable" and "equidecomposable by dissection." The difference is in that the pieces ...
A system of congruences a_i mod n_i with 1<=i<=k is called a complete residue system (or covering system) if every integer y satisfies y=a_i (mod n) for at least one value of ...
The Jacobi symbol (a/y)=chi(y) as a number theoretic character can be extended to the Kronecker symbol (f(a)/y)=chi^*(y) so that chi^*(y)=chi(y) whenever chi(y)!=0. When y is ...
The eight of Hilbert's axioms which concern collinearity and intersection; they include the first four of Euclid's postulates.
Isomorphism is a very general concept that appears in several areas of mathematics. The word derives from the Greek iso, meaning "equal," and morphosis, meaning "to form" or ...
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