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The 12-vertex graph consisting of a cube in which two opposite faces (say, top and bottom) have edges drawn across them which connect the centers of opposite sides of the ...
The (connected) caveman graph is a graph arising in social network theory formed by modifying a set of isolated k-cliques (or "caves") by removing one edge from each clique ...
Cayley's cubic surface is the unique cubic surface having four ordinary double points (Hunt), the maximum possible for cubic surface (Endraß). The Cayley cubic is invariant ...
Connect-Four is a tic-tac-toe-like two-player game in which players alternately place pieces on a vertical board 7 columns across and 6 rows high. Each player uses pieces of ...
The "contiguous USA graph" is the graph whose vertices represent the contiguous 48 states of the United States plus the District of Columbia (DC) and whose edges connect ...
The EKG sequence is the integer sequence having 1 as its first term, 2 as its second, and with each succeeding term being the smallest number not already used that shares a ...
The Erdős number is the number of "hops" needed to connect the author of a paper with the prolific late mathematician Paul Erdős. An author's Erdős number is 1 if he has ...
The meeting point of lines that connect corresponding points from homothetic figures. In the above figure, O is the homothetic center of the homothetic figures ABCDE and ...
Given an original triangle (thick line), find the medial triangle (outer thin line) and its incircle. Take the pedal triangle (inner thin line) of the medial triangle with ...
The Pell graph Pi_n is the graph defined as follows. Consider n-tuples of (0,1,2) such that maximal blocks of an odd number of 2's are forbidden. Take these as the vertices ...
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