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A vector field X on a compact foliated manifold (M,F) is nice if X is transverse to F and if X has a closed orbit C (called a nice orbit) such that the intersection C ...
The greatest radial distance of an ellipse as measured from a focus. Taking v=pi in the equation of an ellipse r=(a(1-e^2))/(1+ecosv) gives the apoapsis distance r_+=a(1+e). ...
The smallest radial distance of an ellipse as measured from a focus. Taking v=0 in the equation of an ellipse r=(a(1-e^2))/(1+ecosv) gives the periapsis distance r_-=a(1-e). ...
For every ergodic flow on a nonatomic probability space, there is a measurable set intersecting almost every orbit in a discrete set.
The sequence generated by repeated application of a map. The map is said to have a closed orbit if it has a finite number of elements.
Let rho(x)dx be the fraction of time a typical dynamical map orbit spends in the interval [x,x+dx], and let rho(x) be normalized such that int_0^inftyrho(x)dx=1 over the ...
Numbers 1, alpha_1, ..., alpha_L are rationally independent iff under the action of rotation rho_(alpha_1)×...×rho_(alpha_L) on the L-dimensional torus, every orbit is ...
In random number computation, a seed is an initial number used as the starting point in a random number generating algorithm. In a dynamical system, a seed is a starting ...
In celestial mechanics, the fixed path a planet traces as it moves around the sun is called an orbit. When a group G acts on a set X (this process is called a group action), ...
A two-dimensional piecewise linear map defined by x_(n+1) = 1-y_n+|x_n| (1) y_(n+1) = x_n. (2) The map is chaotic in the filled region above and stable in the six hexagonal ...
