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A symbol employed in a formal propositional calculus.
The Legendre symbol is a number theoretic function (a/p) which is defined to be equal to +/-1 depending on whether a is a quadratic residue modulo p. The definition is ...
The Jacobi symbol, written (n/m) or (n/m) is defined for positive odd m as (n/m)=(n/(p_1))^(a_1)(n/(p_2))^(a_2)...(n/(p_k))^(a_k), (1) where m=p_1^(a_1)p_2^(a_2)...p_k^(a_k) ...
The symbol p^e∥n means, for p a prime, that p^e|n, but p^(e+1)n.
The symbol defined by c^(a/b) = c(c+b)(c+2b)...[c+(a-1)b] (1) = b^a(c/b)_a (2) = (b^aGamma(a+c/b))/(Gamma(c/b)), (3) where (a)_n is the Pochhammer symbol and Gamma(z) is the ...
Given a number field K, a Galois extension field L, and prime ideals p of K and P of L unramified over p, there exists a unique element sigma=((L/K),P) of the Galois group ...
A symbol of the form {p,q,r,...} used to describe regular polygons, polyhedra, and their higher-dimensional counterparts. The symbol {p} denotes a regular polygon for integer ...
The Kronecker symbol is an extension of the Jacobi symbol (n/m) to all integers. It is variously written as (n/m) or (n/m) (Cohn 1980; Weiss 1998, p. 236) or (n|m) (Dickson ...
For any two nonzero p-adic numbers a and b, the Hilbert symbol is defined as (a,b)={1 if z^2=ax^2+by^2 has a nonzero solution; -1 otherwise. (1) If the p-adic field is not ...
A symbol consisting of three rational numbers that can be used to describe uniform polyhedra based on how a point C in a spherical triangle can be selected so as to trace the ...
