
U(n) Basic Hypergeometric Series

Multiple series generalizations of basic hypergeometric series over the unitary groups U(n+1). The fundamental theorem of U(n) series takes c_1, ..., c_n and x_1, ..., x_n as indeterminates and n>=1. Then

=sum_(y_1,y_2,...,y_n>=0; |y|=N){product_(1<=r<s<=n)[(1-(x_r)/(x_s)q^(y_r-y_s))/(1-(x_r)/(x_s))]×product_(r,s=1)^n[(((x_r)/(x_s)c_s;q)_(y_r))/((q(x_r)/(x_s);q)_(y_r))][q^(y_2+2y_3+...+(n-1)y_n)]},

where it is assumed that none of the denominators vanish (Bhatnagar 1995, p. 22). The series in this theorem is called an SU(n) series (Milne 1985; Bhatnagar 1995, p. 22).

Many other q-results, including the q-binomial theorem and q-Saalschütz sum, can be generalized to U(n+1) series.

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U(n) Basic Hypergeometric Series

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Weisstein, Eric W. "U(n) Basic Hypergeometric Series." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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