
Adjoint Representation

A Lie algebra is a vector space g with a Lie bracket [X,Y], satisfying the Jacobi identity. Hence any element X gives a linear transformation given by


which is called the adjoint representation of g. It is a Lie algebra representation because of the Jacobi identity,


A Lie algebra representation is given by matrices. The simplest Lie algebra is gl_n the set of matrices. Consider the adjoint representation of gl_2, which has four dimensions and so will be a four-dimensional representation. The matrices

e_1=[1 0; 0 0]
e_2=[0 1; 0 0]
e_3=[0 0; 1 0]
e_4=[0 0; 0 1]

give a basis for gl_2. Using this basis, the adjoint representation is described by the following matrices:

ad(e_1)=[ 0  0  0  0;  0  1  0  0;  0  0 -1  0;  0  0  0  0]
ad(e_2)=[ 0  0  1  0; -1  0  0  1;  0  0  0  0;  0  0 -1  0]
ad(e_3)=[ 0 -1  0  0;  0  0  0  0;  1  0  0 -1;  0  1  0  0]
ad(e_4)=[ 0  0  0  0;  0 -1  0  0;  0  0  1  0;  0  0  0  0].

See also

Commutator, Group Representation, Lie Algebra, Lie Group, Lie Bracket, Nilpotent Lie Algebra, Semisimple Lie Algebra

This entry contributed by Todd Rowland

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Fulton, W. and Harris, J. Representation Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991.Jacobson, N. Lie Algebras. New York: Dover, 1979.Knapp, A. Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, 1996.

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Adjoint Representation

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Rowland, Todd. "Adjoint Representation." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource, created by Eric W. Weisstein.

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