
Graph Embedding


A graph embedding, sometimes also called a graph drawing, is a particular drawing of a graph. Graph embeddings are most commonly drawn in the plane, but may also be constructed in three or more dimensions. The above figure shows several embeddings of the cubical graph. The most commonly encountered graph embeddings are generally straight line embeddings, in which all edges are drawn as straight line segments.


A good choice of embedding can lead to particularly illuminating diagrams. For example, the circular (left) embedding of the cubical graph illustrates this graph's inherent symmetries.


Skiena (1990) considers a number of different types of embeddings, including circular, ranked, radial, rooted, and spring. Graph embeddings can be visualized in the Wolfram Language in two dimensions using the option GraphLayout. Alternately, GraphPlot[g] can be used in two dimensions and GraphPlot3D[g] in three dimensions. Embeddings for trees can be visualized using TreePlot[g].

Hong and Eades (2003) gave a linear time algorithm for drawing disconnected planar graphs with maximum number of symmetries. Freivalds et al. (2002) gave an algorithm for embedding disconnected graphs based on polyomino packing.

Precomputed embeddings of certain types for a number of graphs are available in the Wolfram Language as GraphData[g, "Graph", type].

See also

Circular Embedding, Embedding, Integral Embedding, Planar Embedding, Planar Straight Line Embedding, Rectilinear Crossing Number, Straight Line Embedding, Unit-Distance Graph

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Graph Embedding

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Weisstein, Eric W. "Graph Embedding." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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